We are happy to introduce you our new Swivel Collection.

Alluring and startling, exiting and universal beauty of Nature always inspires us when creating our jewellery pieces. Of course our new Swivel Autumn Collection is not an exception.

Nature is all around us and we are a little part of it. By means of our work we want to share the magic of beauty and love with you. The way we see it. The way we feel it.

Have you ever notices that Nature does not do straight lines and angles. On the contrary it does curls and swivels. Maybe it helps when it channels the beauty, magic and love through them. Nature is rarely straightforward. Whilst you will no find a straight line or an accurate angle in almost any living being or any other miracle of Nature neverthless they mesmerise us with their beauty and attract our attention.

Flow of water high up in the mountains in small creeks and gorges swivelling their way down to the valley, falling leaves spiraling and swivelling their way to the earth, mother cat licking and cuddling with the kitten with all their furry curves and swivels, canopy in a jungle when you look up curling and swivelling their life veins, stretching across all the rainforest and ultimately the beauty of the night sky where stars are dancing in their chaotic but endlessly beautiful and immortal swivel dance. 
Nature does not do straight lines and angles. It does curls and swivels, channeling the beauty, magic and love through them. Our Swivel collection is inspired by universal beauty of nature all around us and our desire to share our magic of beauty and love with you.

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