Amber – organic gem. That means organic processes created the yellow like the Sun gemstone. Amber is, basically, a fossilized resin of extinct coniferous trees. Because it originates as a soft, sticky tree resin, amber sometimes contains animal and plant material as inclusions. The Greek name for amber is ‘electrum’ which means electricity. This is because amber can acquire an electric charge when rubbed. It is a useful property for identifying real amber.

Where to Find Amber – Organic Gem?

For several thousand years a huge deposits of amber is found along the Baltic coast. After heavy storms miners find lots of ambers on the shores of Baltic Sea. Since the ancient times people used to trade amber. The archaeologists found an ancient cup carved from amber in a British Bronze Age burial. Perhaps the largest creation from amber, probably, is the ‘Amber Room’. It is a huge room decorated with amber.

The Amber Room

The Amber Room began its extraordinary history in Prussia. A Danish craftsman, Gottfried Wolffrani, was sent by King Frederick I of Prussia to carve an amber chamber at Charlottenburg. Later the Danzig craftsmen Ernst Schacht and Gottfried Turow finished the amber panels in 1711.

In 1716 Tsar Peter I went to Berlin to forge an alliance with Frederick’s son and successor, Fredrick William I, against the Swedish king, Charles XIII. To mark their successful agreement, the Prussian king gave the tsar the Amber Room. In April 1717 horses carried the panels of the room to St. Petersburg.

Properties of Amber

They say Amber divides cosmic and individual energy. Amber symbolises divinity and it often depicts representations of saints and heroes. The Greek god Apollo wept tears of amber when the Gods expelled him from Olympus. The electrical properties of amber led to claims that amber rosaries and amulets act condensers of current. It discharges excessive energy in those who wear the amulet or possess the beads.

Beautiful gem with honeylike colour. Nature is amazingly clever in creating such beautiful masterpieces.

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