Easy steps to reduce our carbon footprint. Have you ever considered the cost of running our daily choirs and errands for the nature? We can say that we cannot do much about it. But believe or not even small adjustments in our behaviour can make the change. So how to reduce our carbon footprint? There are a lot of ways how we can contribute to lowering CO2 emissions and go more green. Let’s discuss a couple of them.


We all know that recycling is the key in reducing our waste that goes into landfills. We can save energy and resources by recycling. Plastic, glass, paper, tin cans all can be recycled. So take a moment before throwing away a waste next time and think if it can be recycled or not. If yes, it goes into separate bin for recyclable materials. Easy-peasy and there are no excuses not to do that.

Recycling is applicable to jewellery as well. Recent studies show that majority of emissions come from extracting the ore and gemstones from soil. If we recycle we drastically reduce the carbon tax on the nature (up to 95%). We love that math and that’s why we recycle jewellery. We also love the idea that we give new life to pre-loved pieces. They are reborn and destined to shine again! We also use recyclable and biodegradable materials for packaging.

Save energy. Easy Steps To Reduce Our Carbon Footprint

Simply by changing your light bulbs and putting more energy efficient lighting can make a huge difference in both saving your bills and reducing your carbon footprint. Besides energy-efficient light bulbs last longer in general.

Be mindful on how much electricity you use. For example load fully your washing and dishwashing machines before you click the start button. Did you know that your appliances still consume electricity when they are on standby mode? So turn off the plugs when the appliances are not in use. Win win situation good for your pocket and for reducing your carbon footprint.

Solar panels are good option for becoming more energy efficient consumer. They are expensive though to install but in long run you will have more savings and be more independent from the grid. We installed our solar system for several years now and use it in melting and shaping the metal, complimenting the grid. That also reduces the stress on the grid, especially in energy heavy periods. We also use energy efficient light to set the stones.

Drive Less. Easy Steps To Reduce Our Carbon Footprint

Drive less, move more. Always walk instead of driving when you can. It will not only reduce your carbon footprint but also make you healthier. Use more public transport instead of driving whenever possible. Electric cars are becoming more and more popular and they are a great option to go greener and save some money on petrol. Especially now when the prices are skyrocketing. We try to source everything locally as much as it’s feasible.

Buy Local, Buy Seasonal

First of all local food can be better for your health because it might be more fresh. The products don’t have to travel long distances to appear in your local shops. Besides local produce is ripen and delivered while food coming from far away is picked unripen and it is artificially ripened later on. Local organic farmers use less pesticides and hence the food is more healthy and beneficial for the bees as well as you.

Buy seasonal products as again they don’t have to travel from far away. Less deliveries more environmentally friendly. Apart from buying locally from farms and markets around we also grow a small amount of vegetables and berries ourselves. We think they go perfectly with an idea of sustainable jewellery.

Reduce Meat Consumption

Meat production emits huge amount of greenhouse gasses. It is a heavy load on our Nature. Reducing meat intake will benefit your health as well. Incorporate plant-based food into your diet and see how you feel. It may help you feel energised and healthier.

We’d love to hear your stories too. Do reach out and tell us your hints and tips on reducing the negative impact on nature.

Meanwhile if you are looking for a gift then don’t forget that we have a range of fab items in our online shop.

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