Enchanting World of Rocks and Minerals. The rocks and minerals we observe on the Earth today are the result of an ongoing processes. Those processes began with the formation of the Earth over 4.5 thousand million years ago. And they will continue as long as the Earth functions.

Rock formation. Enchanting World of Rocks and Minerals.

From the geologically short perspective of a human lifespan, rocks and minerals may appear permanent and unchanging. But in reality old minerals and rocks are constantly breaking down. This results in formation of new rocks and minerals.

There are 3 types of rocks:

  • igneous
  • sedimentary
  • metamorphic

Igneous rocks

The magmas resulting in formation of igneous rocks are either solidify underground, creating intrusive rocks such as a granite. Or flow onto the surface of the land or ocean bed, forming extrusive rocks such as basalt.

Sedimentary rocks

Sedimentary rocks are generally made of deposits laid down on the Earth’s surface by water, wind, or ice.

Metamorphic rocks

Metamorphic rocks form when existing rocks undergo extreme temperatures or pressures that alter their mineralogical composition, texture, and internal structure.

Formation of each rock type is a result of different processes, which together comprise a continuous cycle of events – the rock cycle.

What is a Mineral?

The minerals are the stuff of witch the Earth’s rocks are made. Mineral is a naturally occurring solid material with specific chemical composition and distinctive internal crystal structure. Did you know that teeth and bones are also minerals?

Some substances, for example, opal and glass, resemble minerals in chemistry and occurrence but do not have regularly ordered internal arrangement.

Creating Gemstones

The Earth’s natural forces have created a wonderful array of gemstones, defined by their shape, colour and crystalline structure. From this raw materials new technologies allow to create a greater range of jewels than ever before.

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