Easter (Latin Pascha, Greek Pascha) is a leading festival of the Christian church. It celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his Crucifixion. As a matter of fact the earliest recorded observance of an Easter celebration comes from the 2nd century. Easter and its related holidays are not fixed celebrations but they change from year to year. Since early Christian times, several methods have been used to work out the date of Easter. In Western Christianity, Easter Sunday must always follow the first full moon after the spring equinox. Easter Day is the first Sunday after the paschal full moon. In 2022 it is Sunday, April 17. Getting Ready for an Amazing Easter Bank Holiday.

Most Christians refer to the week before Easter as Holy Week, which in Western Christianity begins on Palm Sunday (marking the entrance of Jesus in Jerusalem).

Western Christianity

In Western Christianity 40 days (not including Sundays) Lent proceeds Easter. It is a period of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter. The Lent begins on Ash Wednesday

Eastern Christianity

In Eastern Christianity, the spiritual preparation for Easter/Pascha begins with Great Lent. It starts on Clean Monday. It also lasts for 40 continuous days (including Sundays). Great Lent ends on a Friday, and the next day is Lazarus Saturday

Easter celebrations around the world

In countries where Christianity is a state religion, or those with large Christian populations, Easter is often a public holiday. As Easter always falls on a Sunday, many countries in the world also recognize Easter Monday as a public holiday. Some retail stores, shopping malls, and restaurants might not work on Easter Sunday. 

Good Friday, which occurs two days before Easter Sunday, is also a public holiday in many countries.

In the United Kingdom both Good Friday and Easter Monday are bank holidays, except for Scotland, where only Good Friday is a bank holiday.

Traditional customs

Easter customs vary across the Christian world. For instance it includes sunrise services, midnight vigils, exclamations and exchanges of Paschal greetings, breaking of Easter eggs.

The egg is an ancient symbol of new life and rebirth. In Christianity it became associated with Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection. The custom of the Easter egg originated in the early Christian community of Mesopotamia, who stained eggs red in memory of the blood of Christ lost during his crucifixion. 

Modern customs

A modern custom in the Western world is to substitute decorated chocolate, or plastic eggs filled with candy. Today Easter is marked by exchange of greeting cards, chocolate eggs, chocolate Easter bunnies and other gifts. Children are very fond of Easter egg hunt. By the way the Easter Bunny is da rabbit bringing Easter eggs. Additionally bunnies symbolise fertility.


And the last but not the least. Brits are being warned to be careful of sunburn this Easter bank holiday weekend as temperatures could reach 23C in some places – the highest of the year so far. A high pressure system is bringing glorious weather over Easter with people going outdoors to enjoy the spring sunshine.

And we are getting ready for an amazing Easter bank holiday. Indeed it is time for dressing up, wearing our outstanding jewellery and just relaxing over the long weekends.

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