Hallmarking History. Why do we value jewellery so much? Obvious answer is the artistic touch of the master jeweller. A creature of beauty hits those deeply rooted strings of joy which sometimes we don’t even know that are there. Sometimes we see the piece and feel that that’s something wonderful and amazing, which speaks to us somehow.

But that is not always it, isn’t it? Quite crucial part of the jewellery is that it’s important and precious due to the materials used. As soon as we start living in large communities when not everybody is related and we trade across different towns and borders, trust issues become paramount. How do you make sure that what you buy is genuine and not fake?

How The Hallmarking Was Born

Whilst humans battled with that since, for jewellery we found a solution in form of leaving distinct marks on the item by an authority we trust more then the seller. That’s how the hallmarking was born. The first evidence of hallmarking is from 4 century AD in ancient Byzantium. The started hallmarking silver bars under the authority of emperor Augustin.

Middle Ages. Hallmarking History

From middle ages makers start marking their pieces both promoting their work and making a reputation statement. The hallmark till now in France is known as le poinçon de maître or makers punch/mark. This approach was as an early form of customer protection in medieval France.

In England

From 13th century both France and England start having more and more structured hallmarking approach under the kings oversight. Since then in England sterling silver is hallmarked with a leopard head. The hallmarks continue to develop with the development of the jewellery industry. For example in English silver hallmarks you can find an indication of a maker, period the jewellery was made, assay office and even city where the maker was working.

It is truly fascinating when a piece of old jewellery all of a sudden start to sing it’s unique story, if only you can ask it right.

A maker can only hope that in a few centuries he will continue to live in the offspring of creativity and beauty of human soul embodied in a form of a jewellery. 

Meanwhile if you are looking for a gift then don’t forget that we have a range of fab items in our online shop like this Jolly Elephant sliver earrings which will bring luck to you and let it be your trusted companions on your lifelong journey of health and happiness.

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