International Yoga Day

If you feel tired, depressed, disconnected or just not 100% there is an ancient practice designed for reaching out to your inner self, cure your mind and body and achieve piece of mind and spirit. Of course you’ve heard of it – Yoga. Originated in ancient India and nowadays popular all around the world. You can find yogi nearly in every city which is a great thing.

Yoga as a practice is not one single discipline of course. 

Yoga offers many different practices that lead towards the spiritual and physical health and enlightenment;

Hatha Yoga: A system of different physical exercises, whose higher purpose is to purify the body as they believe that our soul is a part of Almighty God . So the body should be treated as a temple, where the God live.

Karma Yoga: Path of blissful actions without any desire of the results. Perform all actions with the honesty and sincerity. This path brings the awareness that “God is the Doer of everything” and we all are moving in this cosmos, with our certain goals. So welcome whatever comes and let go whatever goes without any attachments.

Mantra Yoga: Concentrating the consciousness through the chanting of certain sounds, representing a particular aspect of spirit.

Bhakti Yoga: Path of devotional bliss through which we understand and experience the truth that we all are equal and a part of God. So love the divinity in everyone and everything.

Gyana Yoga: Path of wisdom offers the application of indiscriminative intelligence to achieve spiritual liberation.

Raja Yoga: The supreme path of yoga, brings the power of mind control and gives the knowledge to understand that God is always there to hold our hands and walk with us. So feel him and experience the truth what we really are.

So start today. All you need is a desire. Take this day to celebrate International Yoga day by a few stretches and a meditation and you’ll definitely feel better! 

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