Nature is unbelievably beautiful and smart. 

Another adventurous story from our swivel collection which is called Jolly Elephants.

This Jolly Elephants silver set is on a mission. This means it is on the way to embark on a journey of happiness and joy with you. Elephants historically considered to be a symbol of strength, wisdom, success, companionship and good luck thus everyone needs elephants in their pockets or which is even better on their ears, neck, finger. And that is where we can help you.

Elephants and humans have a great deal in common:

1. Humans and elephants have evolved the largest and most complex brain of any land mammal and we become aware of the world around us through our brains. Our brains makes us resourceful, dynamic and adaptable

2. We both live long lives and cherish our relationships and families

3. Our offspring can benefit from a long childhood where they are taught all of the practical life skills

4. We both dwell in communities and tribes

5. Elephants remember things and have feelings more like us. They are defensive of their kind and they show great affection and love towards each another. Therefore, elephants signify parent care, companionship, loyalty and community.

Let this jolly elephants silver set be your trusted companion on your lifelong journey of health and happiness.

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