Silver in History
Surprising, lucrative metal. Silver has been long valued as an important and precious metal. For example ancient Babylonians identified that milk kept in silver jars did not sour as quickly as in any other containers available at that times. Ancient Egyptians were praising silver as a magic metal of divine origin. Druid, Wiccan and pagan priestesses would wear silver rings to repel evil spirits.
My grandma used to say to put a silver spoon into the water overnight and wash the face with that water in the morning. She would also say that a silver spoon would help spot the poisons in mushrooms by changing it’s colour.
Silver in Legends. Surprising, lucrative metal.
People were also fighting vampires with silver and garlic. As the odour of the latter can repel both the vampires and well wishers alike, we would recommend sticking to your silver jewellery. At least for the first date.
Silver in Medicine. Surprising, lucrative metal.
Now it is a fact that silver has antibiotic properties. You would ask why. It is due to the fact that silver ion is bioactive and it can kill bacteria. Microbes cannot develop resistance to silver as they can to antibiotics. That is why healthcare and beauty specialists use silver and silver nanoparticles as an antimicrobial in a variety of healthcare and beauty products. Currently nurses value silver dressings for all kind of wounds difficult to heal.
Although silver is not as expensive as gold, it is still found in limited quantities in nature. Varied use of silver, makes it a good investment. Silver will always preserve its price and special niche among precious metals.
Indeed silver is surprising, lucrative metal. We love silver, its noble shine and patina and we use sterling silver (925 standard) and fine silver, combining it with hand knitting and casting.
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