What is a Gemstone?

Thrilling Gemstones in Human History . Any mineral that is highly prized for its beauty, durability or rarity can be described as a gemstone. When specialists enhance minerals by changing their shape using cutting or polishing techniques, they become a gem. We can distinguish crystals of minerals such as diamonds or sapphires, or aggregates of crystals such as malachite or jadeite. There is also a limited number of noncrystalline materials of organic origin such as pearls and amber. They are organic gems.

Early Uses of Gems. Thrilling Gemstones in Human History

The uses of gemstones go far back in human history. People beatified themselves with shells, pieces of bones, teeth, and pebbles by at least the upper Palaeolithic period (25 000-12 000 BC). When the shaping of the stones began initially people were choosing soft and opaque minerals. As the techniques of shaping improved, such as introduction of gem cutting, gem cutters started employing hard stones as well. Carnelian and rock crystal beads, both varieties of quartz, were fashioned at Jarmo in Mesopotamia (now Iraq) in the 7th millennium BC.

Since prehistoric times people were believing that stones themselves have ‘mystic’ value. It is a belief that still exists today such as in the wearing of birthstones. The Egyptians, Babylonians, and Assyrians all believed that coloured stones had healing properties. The choice of the stones and other healing materials was determined by the colours the disease caused in the body. For example, yellow jaundice, blue lips, or fever-red skin

New Age Beliefs About Crystals

Each month of the year has specific gemstone associated with it since ancient times. In Astrology each of the 12 signs of the zodiac has one or two associated gemstones. The astrologists thought that the gemstones resonate with the essential characteristic trait of the person born under specific sign. They thought the gemstones were bringing luck to the owners. Scientists and New Age practitioners have huge debates on healing power of crystals. Crystal healers insist that certain crystals, particularly quartz, give healing energy when placed on the body. Though there are many evidences that the crystals helped people in need yet there is no scientific evidence supporting it. Perhaps it is the belief in the power of crystals does all the healing.

No matter where the truth is, it is still lovely to wear colourful gemstones and beautiful jewels crafted by skilful jewellers. Add more luck and magic to your life!

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12 signs of zodiac with associated gemstones Varr-Dan London

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