How Much Does It Cost?

We all love jewellery and adore wonderful works of art. But sometimes can’t help wondering about what it actually costs to produce a piece of jewellery. There is also another, hidden and ugly side of this question that we rarely think about. How much does it cost for nature and the environment for us to wear this beautiful piece of human creativity and talent? But how can we make less pressure on the Nature?

95% Of Carbon Footprint On Mining And Processing of The Ore

It turns out that there is a very specific cost of each piece of jewellery that we pass on to nature and our collective future. There was an interesting study on the carbon cost of one simple ring. It showed that one ring costs us more than a kilogram of greenhouse gases. Further studies demonstrated that 95% of that unfortunate tax on nature is the mining and processing of the ore with only 5% going for making and transportation. Silver also is the cleanest metal out of other precious ones. For example creation of a pair of heart shaped golden earrings produces 31 kilograms of carbon while platinum makes 3 times more.

Consciously Acquire and Recycle. Less Pressure On the Nature

So how to make less pressure on the Nature? Knowing that we consciously acquire and recycle pre-loved silver and gold jewellery in what we do. This gives us double pleasure knowing that we give new life to pre-loved pieces in new shape and form and helped the nature reducing the carbon footprint of a ring for 95% as we recycle the silver when creating our jewellery. Win win as we see it.

We suggest you join us and help us on this journey. We are happy to trade in your pre-loved silver and gold jewellery for any of our items. Feel free to reach out to us on our email or Instagram page.

Let’s help nature together.

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