Valentine’s Day

There are many interesting dates in the calendar however not as quite unique as this one. That is why we think this is a special day to celebrate the power of love and devotion between two loving hearts, companions and dear friends. That wonderful feeling of butterflies in your stomach that unique urge and desire to love and care. That special feeling of deep devotion to another human being, the sole thought about it makes your life full of joy and happiness. Valentines Day – Devotion, Love and Celebration of Joy. One of the most wonderful and romantic days has a very interesting story. It brings us back to the times of Roman Empire.

St. Valentine and Roman Emperor Claudius II

As a matter of fact this wonderful day is traditionally celebrated after St. Valentine. He was a brave saint. He was not afraid of marrying Roman soldiers in spite of direct orders of Roman Emperor Claudius II. The Emperor believed that men will fight better without wives. However as always an all powering force of love and nature was undefeated. The roman soldiers recognising Valentine by the amethyst ring with cupid on it, asking for Valentine’s blessing and getting that very important landmark in their lives. But even so knowing the orders of the Emperor, Valentine did not turn the soldiers down and in fact got punished for it.

Valentines Day. Loving Hearts

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Following this outstanding bravery and selfish devotion to love all the World yearly celebrates St. Valentine’s Day on the 14th day of February. Loving hearts give each other gifts and say another time that magical “I Love You”. 
We wish you a great Valentines day, happily and joyfully shared with your loved ones.

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